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What is Hospice Care ?

Hospice Care is a model and philosophy of care that treats the person rather than the disease of someone experiencing an advanced, life – limiting illness. Comfort and symptom management become the primary focus, and curative treatment is no longer the patients choice or option.

Hospice Care surrounds the patient with a team consisting of professionals who not only address physical distress but also tends to the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of the patient and family. The team may include a doctor, nurse, social worker, counselor, chaplain (if the patient is religious ), home health aide and a trained volunteer.

Hospice care is patient – centered because the needs of the patient and family drive the activities of the hospice team, ultimately increasing quality of life.

When is Hospice the appropriate care option ?

Patients are eligible for Hospice Care when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with a prognosis of 6 months or less. At this time all the patients care options, including hospice should be considered especially if your loved one is experiencing frequent hospitalizations or trips to the ER, they’re rapidly declining despite medical treatment ( weight loss, mental status decline, inability to perform activities of daily living ), or the patient themselves is ready to live more comfortably and forego treatments aimed at prolonging life.

The decision to begin Hospice Care is always a difficult decision, but know that the patient or family members have the option to end hospice care and restart curative care at any time. Patients also have the option to transfer to a new hospice agency.

Where is Hospice Care Provided ?

Hospice care services can be provided in a variety of settings and should always be one that best meets the needs of the patient and family. Most commonly hospice care is provided in the comfort of a patient’s home. Depending on the patient’s condition and housing circumstances hospice care can also be provided in care homes / facilities, nursing homes, hospitals and hospice facilities.

Who pays for Hospice Care ?

Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance providers for eligible patients who meet the criteria.

How can REACH Housing Solutions help ?

REACH Housing Solutions can make recommendations to local hospice agencies. Call to speak with a consultant to get a referral for hospice care TOLL FREE 1-800-484-1615